Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Don't you love Christmas music?
I know I do. What other type of music do you hear in every store you walk into that is practially screaming to gospel of Christ? In any other form, the gospel is forbidden, but when it is called a "Christmas Song" then we can play it in any public place. I adore it!
My favorite Christmas song is Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, the words are so beautiful, so I thought I'd post them.
When you read these lyrics, really think about what they mean, and the fact that Jessica Simpson, Jump5 and many other secular artists sing this song on their christmas albums.

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Christ by highest heav'n adored
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin's womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thanksgiving, an acrostic...not poem..just an acrostic of things I am thankful to God for.

T: Teachers. My mom for the five million things shes taught me, my sisters for teaching me the facts of life, Daniel for teaching me how to be respectful, my awesome teachers at DACC, and all of my friends who teach me huge life lessons.

H: Home. For Having a home that I love to be in, that I truly cherish, and where great memories are made.

A:Abby. My best friend. She knows me the very very best and yet she still love me.

N:Nature. God has shared with us as humans the beauty of his handiwork, from the falling leaves with their vibrant colors, to the intricate snowflakes, to the beautiful flowers, to the warm summer sunshine.

K:Kin. My Family that I couldn't be more thankful for, and for those who seem like they must be family, and for the family of God of which I am so glad I am apart.

S:Sacrifice. From those who sacrifice daily for my benefit, for He who made the ultimate sacrifice for my sinful state.

G:Gladness. That I am glad in the Lord, and that I can come to him in praise and thanksgiving. The emotion of gladness is easily discarded, but what a beautiful and wonderful thing it is to be happy in the Lord!

I:Illinois. Yes. I am thankful for the endless rows of corn, for the huge farms, for Alyssa and how she lives so close, for our church here, for the Steak n' Shake, for Mike's Chill, for the Danville mall, but mostly for the endless sweet memories made in this state.

V:Victory. Everyday God offers me victory over sin. Sometimes I accept it, sometimes I don't but it's there just the same.

I:Intellect. For things I have learned, things I will learn, and things I need to relearn.

N:Nostalgia. For contemplating memories, and remembering moments in time with a veiw of how it has benefited me.

G:Grace. Daily grace to live according to God's will for my life. One day at a time. No more or less. Each little test, I overcome with his grace, and move on to the next.

Thank you heavenly father for your awesome goodness to me. You shower me with blessings beyond my greatest hopes. I praise your name for eternity. Amen.

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This is a picture of Cede from this fall....I am VERY thankful for her!

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Quick Update

I have been working with the kids for three weeks now and I have had a phenomenal time!

The Lord worked the timing out just right for me to go down and help right after Mandy had her babies, I think there was like one week where Johanna had to handle Mandy's group....God's timing is so perfect!

We start out by letting the kids just play around for about 10-15 min. while the teachers get ready. This is one of my favorite times (probably because I'm not one of the teachers getting ready)it's just so neat to see kids interact with one another. All the little kids are in there too at that point so it's just really neat to see them all learning to get along. I will never forget the first week I was down there, watching Jo Jo and Marky playing with the marbles it was darling because they were like so fascinated by them.

After that, the kids clean up and then we sing some songs make announcements etc. Funny how like half the kids have birthdays every week. :)

Johanna does a great job with the lesson, (right now we're learning about different kinds of fools). She always has these awesome illustrations that are really good for helping you remember the lesson. Plus, she's getting them well prepared for Pastor Scott..:)

After this, is my most favorite time: small groups. My group is awesome; Lydia, Anna, Collin, Delani, Joah and Taylin. They're hilarious, and I just have so much fun. At first I was kind of worried about the sibling duos, but actually it can be quite helpful, (for instance, Lydia was like SO close to knowing her verse, but all the kids were waiting to say theirs, so I just asked Anna to help her with it and the great big sister that she is, she took her aside and worked on it with her.)

Last week, was the deepest week yet, it was the story of the Godless Fool. The main story (which they humorously acted out) was about Lazarus the Leper, and how he wished he could just eat crumbs from the rich man's table, but when they died how the tables were turned and the rich man begged Lazarus from Hell that he might cool his tongue with a droplet of water.

That story is a good one, but I wanted to make it clear that if you are poor it doesn't mean you automatically get to go to Heaven or if you are rich then you are for sure headed for Hell. This lead to basically a discussion of how you do get to go to heaven, and I was surprised somewhat by the answers. It is interesting to me that even when a child does have Jesus in their heart, it is still somewhat hard for them to explain how he got there (as it is for me!). It also opened my eyes to children who still need the Lord, or do not yet understand. I so longed to sit and talk with ones who were unsure, but I was called to lead a game for the kids to play, and so I'm praying that God will open up another time for such deep discussion again.

I am so happy and praising the Lord for this huge responsibility and opportunity he has given me. :)
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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Middle Ground

As most of you know, my plans for this fall were changed quite suddenly when I found that I wouldn't be going away to college this semester, but that I would be staying here to go to community college.

At first I was kind of happy, I thought of myself as Wendy in Peter Pan, and I was allowed "another night in the nursery." Another season where everything would remain as it had been during my high school experience.

After one week of really my "last night in the nursery," reality kind of kicked in. I realized that I really didn't belong in the youth group anymore, neither did I really belong anywhere else. I hopelessly joined the Women's bible study, only to find that the youngest of them were raising children. I felt hopeless and this feeling of not belonging. My friends who were still in the youth group treated me the same but no one even pretended that it was really the same as it had been. I couldn't come to teen activities without feeling like I really shouldn't be there, but all the while there was no where else I could go.

God, however, is undeniably faithful and he loves us and gives us peace in every season of life.

The bible study has actually been better than I imagined and has really hit home in a lot of ways. I have been convicted, changed and encouraged, which is the purpose for attending something like that anyway. Also I have come to see in a very real way, how the ladies in the bible study (though years older) still battle with the same things I do, and really aren't that different from me at all. I reaized that I actually do relate to them and really quite well. I may have to laugh unknowingly at their trials in their families, but deep down we both know we're just sisters in Christ.

Another huge blessing is that Johanna asked me to help with the kids downstairs when my bible study ends (in two weeks) so again God has shed his grace on me ad given me hope for tomorrow.

Other blessings I have learned to embrace are, more time spent with Cede (literally watching her grow!) more time with Daniel, My wonderful job at the bookstore, a car for my use, not to much academic strain, and all of the spiritual blessings as well.

I have also learned that change happens. It reminds me of the blog Gretchen wrote about similar things. It helps us to hope fr eternity and to cling to our never changing God, but it's still not easy or convenient.

Pray for me as I embark on this strange and quickly fleeting time in my life. That I will not only refrain from sin, but that I will encourage others to do the same, that I will not only learn to be faithful, but I will learn to have patience also.

God knows what he's doing, even when I don't.
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What happens on sunday nights when we realize there's only one piece of pizza left.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Ancient Psalms

I have always been a huge fan of the Psalms. The ancient words are so beautifully written, far more meaningful than the greatest poets of our day. I confess, though, that that's all they were to me. I struggled in finding application other than, "thank you Lord, you are good."...which is true, but it's not very convicting.
However, this week in my quiet time it has been psalms and everyday I immediately see loads and loads of application, to the point of where I write really tiny to fit it all in!
I'll use today for an example. Psalm 37:1-13..The most meanigful verses were 3,4,7&8.

"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfullness. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil."

I love it when I recieve conviction through scripture rather than man. No one could have said it like that, or made it touch my heart in the same way!

Thank you Lord, for your word.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

a love letter to my sisters.

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Funny, but Gretchen's blog about me, totally inspired me to write a blog dedicated to my sisters. I haven't really had time to write it yet because of all of the world traveling. :) I've decided to write it as though its a short letter to each one, just so they know, and so others can get a taste of how much I adore them.

To Gretchen First; My Teacher, Counselor, Close Friend,
How to begin? The amazing times I have been able to sit and talk with you, to just pour out my spirit, to cry and laugh and be as dramatic as they come...you don't mind you just listen and return the drama with earnest. My memories of you when I was little are strong, I think of you as a person who liked school and shopping, definitely loud and always over the top, funny how your still a lot like that. So short were the years before you left for college, but somehow that's OK because I grew to know you so very much deeper long after that time in your life.
Me, a person who hates change, never once was sad about you marrying Josh, but instead was so thankful that you married him so that he could really be a part of my family.
The year that you taught us was the best of all my high school, the memories of all of the exciting things you planned for us, are endless...You kids are going to be so extremely lucky! History club, PE, science out on the deck, the list is endless..
I think it's you who has taught me to love my family the way I do...I am so amazingly blessed to have them...I really am, and I cannot fathom them not being the wonderful part of my life that they are. You, because you are like Dad, and always love a party, have made our house what it is to me..a place of endless memories of good friends and food and late nights, a place that I now welcome my friends as you once did yours...
Lastly (this is WAY too short, I could go on and on)I don't know if you even comprehend a corner of the amazing spiritual influence and accountability partner that you are and have always been to me, everyone needs someone like that and you are definitely that to me, you are one of the very few people who I actually trust to tell me when I have done something wrong, I know your opinion is always scriptural and never just because it's the way you personally want me to be.
Thank you Gretchen,for loving me, I love you,
PS--what was my imaginary friends name that you drew the comic strip of?...Amy Something, right?

Next to Anna, My Look-alike, Mother #2, Fellow Scrapbooker, Confidante,
When I think of you I just want to start laughing, I don't know why, but I think it's because to this day I'm a little bit self-conscience around you, still somewhat thinking of you as that cool teenage sister who I wanted to be just like. You probably don't know this but every time anyone says that I remind them of you or that they think we look alike, I get so excited because that means I'm cool like you! Obviously, we are much closer friends then we were when we were younger but I still kind of look at you in this awestruck kind of way. You are my scrapbooking sister, and as such would never dream of making fun of me for spending my money on paper and stickers (unlike Gretchen or Abby).
Anna, you are scarily like me, or rather, I am scarily like you....we look alike, talk alike and have similar personality traits..(though there are some ways that Abby is far more like you..:))For this reason you understand me in ways and about things that are far more difficult for other people in my life to understand. Things that may sound like bragging or boasting to other people, you understand as being truly difficult (example: situations with boys...) I feel as though there have been few times that it has been just us two, but there have been a couple and I see that you kind of read me deeper almost than anyone else, like right away you can see past any front I put up..
Anna, do you realize that you are my only sister that wears make-up (no Abby, you don't.), I love that though, because it's another thing that we can talk about. You are also the only one who would come over and steal half of my wardrobe while I'm away in a foreign country.
I have endless things to thank you for, so I'll just name a few 1.) reasoning with mom and dad for me..heehee...you talked mom into letting me wear that dress to be in your wedding (remember she didn't like it because it only had one strap?)...also HP5 was totally because of you....you rock..;)2.)Thank you for being my adventurous sister, the one who likes to ride roller-coasters, "rough-it" in Canada, Own wild beasts (Rigella and Nigella)and eat cookie dough with raw eggs in it, honestly are you afraid of anything besides spiders? 3.)Thanks for being a girlfriend who I truly have a great time with, and who would never want to say no to going out after nursing home...:) You are a great role model to me in your efficiency, and care for people..
Oh Anna, I love you SOOO much and I already loathe the day that I leave you and go off to Louisville...
Thanks for letting the good times roll,
PS--"If you took that book case would you paint it?"..."PSHTUGHLTSHT", Translation: "Duh..."

Abby, Babster, My Baby, Pudding Cup, little Feather, Charm Chee and my BEST friend,
Oh Geeze, Abby....How do I begin....funny when I think about you my whole attitude changes...I all of a sudden feel years younger...Do you want to go plays barbies in the game room?....sadly you probably do..:)
My favorite thing in the whole world about you (or one of my favorites) is that you take your being the youngest very well...I mean yes, you have always had an almost abnormal affection and fascination with babies and small children, but it's like you know we [me, Gretchen, Anna] don't want you to grow up, so you kindly stay young by watching cartoons, sleeping in my room, and thinking boys have cooties...
You and I have shared some wonderful experiences (Disney World, all those fancy dinners with Mom and Dad, camp, our sisters' and brother's weddings, playing at dress-up at Shea's, Monical's, The Chill, and so many more good times) I guess we have experienced sad stuff too, and hard stuff...everyone knows we've fought A LOT and still do, and yet we always end up right. It's funny to me how I still ask you what to do in a lot of situations, even though I'm older you have such an influence on me, you have no idea...It's weird, Abby, because it's like your such a part of my daily life that when you say something nice to me it kind of shocks the heck out of me...like I remember one time you told me my hair looked pretty (or something dumb like that) and I couldn't really believe you had said it...that was the type thing that boys said to flirt or that other girls said to be nice,but not you, it almost made me feel weird...like our relationship is far past the point of pointless compliments.
Abby, you will probably be the only sister to be in my wedding...if the the Lord so leads...as I will hopefully not be having the traditional "bridesmaids" but just you alone to stand beside me as my best friend. I think I can confidently say that you know me so much better and truer and deeper and at my worst and best, then anyone else on this earth...Daniel has barely unearthed a corner of the knowledge you retain about me and who I am...in some ways it scares me, because I so want to spare you from any sin I have committed, but it is good to have someone know me so well, and still manage to love me like you do.
Thanks for being my kindred spirit, my listener, my playmate, my shadow.
I love you Char,

Nancy, Nannoo, Nanc...etc.
Without you I would no nothing of Boy Bands or Disney channel, though you've spent less time with me then all of my sisters, I still wonder if you don't know almost more about me, and how easily I am prone to sin.
You have taught me so much about how forgiveness is still possible even when you have been wronged greatly, something with which I struggle like crazy. You also deal with what seems to me as unfairness with great poise, conduct and love. How can you love me when I have so many times treated you unfairly, or let Abby win an argument against you just because it's easier.
You most definitely make life far more exciting and interesting than it was without you...you make me think in different angles and you make me see life as something to be laughed at.
You are so dramatic which helps you fit in with all of us, and you have a really great gift with children...I have yet to see a child not want to play when you are in the room...
You, like me, have had to learn to give in to others...and it is a difficult thing, but I have seen you grow greatly in this area...

I love you Nanc, and I have no clue where my life would be without you,

I have one more thing to say, just a little note to my other "sisters".

To Alyssa, My Tirantafu, one of my closest friends, my secret-keeper;), my text-messaging buddy,
Thanks for letting us be the sisters you never had, and for all of your secret languages and dance moves, you have to know how much I love you!

To Janet, my only sister-in-law,
Thank you for being the beautiful image of a godly woman to me, your inward beauty shines through you so radiantly, and I love you so much for that, and I can't even remember life before you.

To Shea and Misty, my true friends,
Thanks for teaching me the importance of sisterhood, and how being a girl is so very wonderful! I love you both, and your willing hearts,

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Cup of Tea.

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I suppose I should report back on my wonderful and very blessed trip to England.
I learned so immensely much, that I doubt I can report it adequately.

First we had Boot Camp at the WOL Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, New York for about five days. I was extremely stretched because of the mixture of not knowing anybody, camp-like condidtions, HEAT, and rigorous training in every kind of evangilisim you can imagine. Needless to say I was so ready to get on with the trip!

I met Jessica Menard and her best friend Katy near to the last day of Boot Camp...thus far, I was wondering if God had heard my prayer asking him to send me a friend...It wasn't that the other girls weren't nice to me, because they were, and I got along with them very well, it was just like I hadn't found anyone who I truly meshed with, or wanted to talk to. Jessica was my roomate but she was never really in my room because her best friend was rooming across the hall so she was often there with her. Toward the end of Boot Camp I noticed that Jessica carried a Beatles Purse, and being a big fan of the band myself, I inquired about it...that started our one-of-a-kind friendship. Katy too, became a great friend of mine and after that, the three of us were basically inseperable.
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When I arrived in England it was everything I had dreamed of and so much more! Not unlike stepping into a children's storybook. I had quite a bit of jet-lag at first but I perservered and actually quite enjoyed the touring of Windsor castle at what was 6:00am our time.

When we were seperated into three smaller groups Jessica and I were seperated from Katy, which was kind of a sad moment. We went to a town called Wantage, near Oxford, and she was in Milton Kenes (a couple of hours away) At that time I began praying that they would let us stay with the same host family. My prayers were answered and she and I stayed with an amazing English couple(Mr. and Mrs. Frith) who's grandchildren (Christopher and Lucy)came over every morning for breakfast. The house we stayed in was actually an old barn from the early 1600s that had been converted into a house, it was beautiful! Everything was done to make sure our time spent in England was lovely. Friday we were able to go to Lodona so that was another prayer answered! Though I do admit that it really made me wish I had longer...next time.;)

The ministries we did, varied greatly from cleaning out a brook to VBS to a "Culteral Exchange Night" on the fourth of July. I felt that we were greatly used and the ways that we were used were greatly effective.

The two things I learned most of all, were Patience and Prayer.

I couldn't believe how many times I had to just be patient and hope that someone somewhere knew what we were doing, because we sure didn't. Everything was.."Oh yeah, and Emily could you sing a solo in about three minutes..thanks"...and so on, if you get what I mean, I had to be extremely open and available and ok with the fact that I didn't always know what was going on.

I learned prayer through millions of things, God answering each little request, giving me peace and hope around every turn.

My verse that God gave was often quoted by one of the guy counselors and caught on untill it seemed in any annoying circumstance you would hear someone quoting the first part of James 1:2.."Count it all joy, brothers..."

It was an amazing time where I learned so much about myself, the World, and God. All in 18 tight packed days.

"The days seemed like forever, but the weeks flew by."-Katy
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Friday, June 22, 2007

So long, Farewell....

Just a quick post before I go to ask for prayer. I NEED it so bad and I can already feel my need for it.

I ask that you would pray that I find a good friend who I automatically click with. I also ask that you would pray that the plane ride wouldn't bother me at all and that it would go by very quickly. I ask that you would pray that I would not be discouraged or too homesick, but that I would love every minute that I'm gone. I ask for prayer that my team and I would be effective together and that we would accomplish much in the sight of the Lord. Lastly I ask prayer for something much smaller, that we would go to London....It seems like a silly thing, but God knows how much it matters to me and He can make it happen.

I apprciate prayer more than anything you could possibly give and so I thank you in advance. I will miss everybody so bad, but I am ready and willing to be used of God.

Better finish packing!

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Monday, June 18, 2007

CEF Trip

Our youth group's annual Trip to CEF is always fun, and I never really know why, but I think this time I kinda pinned it down.
CEF (Child Evangilism Fellowship) in Warrington Missurri, is a great ministry and their mailbox club leads something like 3,000,000 kids and adults to Christ yearly, so it's extremely fruitful. I guess that in itself is a big part of why it is so great to go there.
The thing that touches me most about CEF, though, is that when we're there we're like family. When else am I going to look foward to playing games with Jacob and Scotty? When else am I going to sit around with Junior high girls and listen intently as they each share deep feelings for a different McCurdy. Honestly. It's almost like I get a small glimpse of what church is really supposed to be like. Like what it would be like if everyone were related (and we act like that too, having our moments of selfishness or other such things that cause fights.)...and it's great.
I love CEF and luckily it's usually a trip where people of all ages are welcome, so I'm sure I'll be going there for many more years to come.
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Monday, June 4, 2007

It's me, Emily.
This is not the first blog I've ever had, it's not even the first blogger blog I've ever had, but I forgot the password to my other one and it's really hopeless even trying to remember what it is..because I have no clue.
I'm still kind of aprehensive to this weird and calm alternative to myspace but I will do it so that I can post pictures of my darling family for Gretchen to see. It will also be nice to not have to comment as "anonymous" every single time....
I swear I must be the absolute youngest person to have a blog on blogger...and I don't know what females will read my blogs since they won't ever have a thing to do with the troubles my children are giving me or what my husband said the other day...ok sorry...I just want everyone to be clear that I am in no way as old as all of you. ok we're clear?...ok good.

Ok, not sure what else to say right now...what do you write on your first blog?..I don't know.

Well....I'll go now...but I'll be back soon I hope!