Friday, January 4, 2008


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As many of you know, I just started this semester at Boyce College in Louisville KY (I had been a part time student at DACC) and obviously, along with that comes a huge sense of change. I love my room and I've already made some good friends, I enjoy most of my classes...ok all of them, but not all of all of you get it?...

I have adored that chapels, and just being daily enriched with God's word while I've been here, though I admit there are moments when I think, "If I have to listen to one more these people have any idea how much Psychology homework I have?" This week is definitly the most packed because we had our first dorm meeting Monday night (it's a lot like a church service) and then on Tuesday there was Southern Chapel, and then on Wednesday there was Boyce Chapel (which is only like three times a semester) and then Thursday there was another Southern Chapel. Not to mention church on wednesday night. I realized however, that even though there were so many church services to the point where it would be extremely easy to just be "going through the actions" I still found myself being convicted, and changed and rejoicing in my Savior. The service that impacted me the most was on Thursday, our speaker, Dr. Moore, preached on the israelites and how they melted together their golden jewelry (that the Lord had given them from the egyptians) and they made an idol, because they thought that if they could just have a god that they could see, then they could be content. Where this really hit me was when he said, "We want all the answers don;t we? We want all of the reasons and to know exactly what's gonna happen, and we assume that if we could know, then, and only then, will we be happy." I know that here at school I do that all the time. I want all the answers and I think I can't be content without them. So God used the fifth service this week to touch my heart and really grab my attention.

As for college life, I really enjoy it. My roommate and I are always scheming up something...hahaha...

See you guys in February!